
DAY: Incontro Informativo e Formativo per le Istituzioni

28 May, Naples City Hall, IT.

The DAY project aims at building a mechanism for child participation in decision-making processes at a local level.

This is the last training/meeting for local authorities regarding article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the right to be heard. The young delegates of the project board will do presentation to the local authorities as a starting point for this local child participation model. The event will be held at Palazzo San Giacomo, Naples, with Councilors Marciani and Striano.

The meeting will be the fifth and last one of the pilot phase of the project and it will involve directors, councilors, and representatives from the other 7 Municipalities of Naples not included in the DAY project. It will be an opportunity to discuss child and youth participation in democratic life and the young delegates will explain why this project has been important to them.

Event organised by Albero della Vita, CIDIS, Eurochild and Comune di Napoli.

Read the Agenda