
Call for a permanent ceasefire to ensure protection of children in the Middle East

Human rights violations at the hands of Israel extend to Lebanon and children are paying the highest price. The time for a response is now; delay is unacceptable. Joint statement by Eurochild and CRIN - Child Rights International Network.

While the genocide on Gaza continues, we express grave concern over the situation in Lebanon. The death toll from continuing Israeli attacks has now surpassed 620 victims, among which more than 50 children, since Monday 23 September. Countless more children are exposed to ongoing attacks and are displaced from their homes.

Since last October, children in Lebanon have faced the constant threat of escalating violence, which has now become a terrifying reality, leaving over 1.5 million children living in fear, whether at home or displaced throughout Lebanon. Schools have also been closed since 24 September across the country while thousands of Lebanese, along with Syrian and Palestinian refugees, are fleeing Lebanon for Syria, despite the dire humanitarian situation there.

We also deplore the situation in Palestine, including in the West Bank where more than 600 people have been killed, and in Gaza, where there is a death toll of over 41000, including 16000 children. More than 95000 have been injured. Children’s rights violations at the hands of Israel continue to escalate against children in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

We therefore strongly urge the European Union and its Member States to ensure children’s rights are respected and upheld. The EU Member States should use every lawful means at their disposal to stop Israel from breaking international humanitarian law, including diplomatic efforts, sanctions, and the suspension of trade negotiations and agreements.

Decisive measures by the EU institutions and the Member States are not just necessary - they are long overdue. What is happening is the consequence of the international community's political and moral failure, including the EU.

The time for a response is now; delay is unacceptable.

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