
Turning the Child Guarantee into reality to contrast the ongoing child poverty crisis

On 13 June, Eurochild hosted an informal gathering in its offices with Save the Children and the other EU Alliance for Investing in Children members, the EU Child Guarantee National Coordinators, and European Commission officials.

Communication and collaboration between EU Member States and civil society organisations is crucial in shaping the Child Guarantee and tackling child poverty. We strongly believe that progress stems from collective action and genuine partnership.

Marking a milestone

This gathering was organised to celebrate the three-year anniversary of the EU Child Guarantee. Launched as the first EU policy specifically aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion, the Child Guarantee seeks to ensure that children in need across the EU have access to essential services. As Member States report on their progress under a monitoring framework introduced by the European Commission in January 2024, this event provided a platform for meaningful dialogue among the European Child Guarantee Coordinators, Commission officials and civil society organisations.

Showcasing our work

The gathering also provided an opportunity to showcase our latest publications, including comprehensive overviews of the biennial reports on the European Child Guarantee and the National Action Plans.

The recommendations of the Alliance for Investing in Children

Child poverty in the EU affects over 20 million children, significantly impacting their health, education, and overall wellbeing. Urgent action is required, as even short periods of deprivation can trap families in a cycle of poverty. Recent challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost of living crisis, and ongoing conflicts, have exacerbated child poverty and widened inequalities. In the statement that Eurochild and Save the Children presented yesterday at the ChildGuarantee national coordinators third annual meeting right before our informal gathering, the Alliance for Investing in Children addressed key recommendations for advancing the implementation of the European Child Guarantee. Our recommendations include ensuring the effectiveness of National Action Plans, securing adequate funding, promoting meaningful participation in monitoring efforts, and addressing the needs of the most vulnerable children. We also call for the Child Guarantee to become a fundamental component of a Social Europe, ensuring healthy, green, and safe living environments for children and prioritising the fight against child poverty.

Thank you to all the participants

We’d like to thank everyone who contributed to making this informal meeting a success. The vibrant energy in the room and the dynamic discussions where insightful ideas were shared on breaking the cycle of poverty for all children within the EU were truly inspiring. A big thanks goes to our members of the Alliance in investing in Children who participated in the event: Make Mothers Matter, Don Bosco International, COFACE, Eurodiaconia, ERGO Network, Learning for Well-being Foundation, Alliance for Childhood – European Network Group, European Public Health Alliance, SOS Children's Villages, ISSA, Hope and Homes for Children, PICUM, EASPD, Mental Health Europe, EuroHealthNet, Inclusion Europe and European Parents Association.

Read the full Alliance's statement

Look at the photos below or on our Flickr page:

EU Child Guarantee Coordinators - Alliance for Investing in Children gathering

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