
DAY: We will change the city!

The meetings of the child representatives of the DAY project to change the face of the Municipalities of Naples continue.

The aim of the DAY project in Italy is to create working groups for high school students and local decision-makers to discuss together issues and needs in their municipalities.

Last week the delegates from the schools Sannino-De Cillis and P. Calamandrei have analysed some of the requests of their classmates regarding the thematic areas of Environment and Education, included in the Civic Agenda of Municipality VI. The students met with their young representatives, the young people taking part in the DAY project and their school director.

The points that will emerge from all the meetings will be discussed in the next school assemblies and later with local decision-makers along with ideas and practical issues gathered from a much larger number of children and young people. The other schools that are part of the project will also have meetings.

At the end of 2023 the students released their civic agendas featuring their ideas on how to redevelop their urban areas and improve the education system with local decision-makers.

In the video below (in Italian) the students involved in this child-participation project comment the 29 January meeting with the local councilors on Culture and Education and Infrastructure, Mobility and Civil Protection Commissions of Municipality IV in Naples.

DAY Project – Democratic Activation of Youth is financed by the European Commission within the framework of CERV, Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values. It will last 18 months and will be developed in Neapolitan Municipalities II, IV and VI by Eurochild , CIDIS and Fondazione L'Albero della Vita

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