
Slovakia's 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee – an overview

Three years after the adoption of the European Child Guarantee, EU Member States are releasing the first report on its implementation. The reports offer an overview of the context, target groups, and services established to execute the European Child Guarantee’s National Action Plans. Additionally, they include sections covering indicators, financing details, and insights and conclusions gleaned from the implementation process.

The Slovak Government submitted its 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee in April 2024.

The report focuses on:

  • Early childhood education and care: Construction and renovation of child care facilities, and implementation of the National Development Strategy for Early Intervention and Care Services (2022-2030). Projects target marginalised Roma communities and enhance staff capacity, ensuring an effective identification and referral system.
  • Education and school-based activities: Introduction of a definition of segregation in education and guidelines for desegregation. Provision of inclusive education for children from marginalised Roma Communities. Preventing early school leaving through an early warning system. 
  • Healthcare: Promoting disease prevention, healthy lifestyles for children, and involving specialists in physical activity and sports in schools.
  • Healthy meal each school day: The food subsidy has been expanded to cover a wide range of students, including those attending secondary school.
  • Adequate housing: Implementation of measures for land ownership and use in marginalised Roma Communities settlements, support housing for children and families in need, promote rental housing and improve living conditions and hygiene.
  • Alternative care: Establish a support network for children, parents, and foster families. Completion of the national project Support for the deinstitutionalisation of foster care III. Establishment of inclusion rules for children in the Centres for Children and Families, and enhance foster care conditions and facilities.

Check out the rest of the 2024 Biennial reports on the implementation of the Child Guarantee!

Eurochild and its members will continue to call on Member States to release their biennial reports and work to ensure the Child Guarantee National Action Plans help end child poverty.

This summary provides key highlights from the Biennial report on the Child Guarantee implementation in Slovakia published in April 2024. It is not exhaustive or evaluative.