
DAY - Final Conference

18 SEPTEMBER - Sala dei Baroni, Castel Nuovo, Naples

The event is in Italian and will feature a presentation of the DAY model of participation to those working in public and private institutions for the promotion of youth engagement and child participation. DAY Project – Democratic Activation of Youth is financed by the European Commission within the framework of CERV, Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values.

The Context:

Students from various schools in 3 municipalities elected 36 delegates, who subsequently received training on how to engage with local moly-making and on how to collaborate with Municipal Commissions across different areas of intervention. Participants voted the environment and education as key areas to work on. By consulting with peers the 3 Boards drafted three civic agendas.

10:00 Registrazione e accoglienza
10:50 Apertura Lavori
10:30 Saluto delle istituzioni
11:30 Tavolo di confronto sull’esperienza del Progetto DAY
12:00 Sessione di domande e Risposte
12:30 Questionario e chiusura lavori

Event flyer