Influencing the new European Commission to promote and protect child rights
Following the elections for a new European Parliament, which reshaped the political landscape and agendas, the EU is gradually moving towards full operational capacity with the appointment of a new College of Commissioners in late November.
The European Commission’s role - The European Commission (EC) helps define the EU's strategic direction, introduces new laws and policies, and ensures their effective implementation while supervising the EU's budget. It also plays a key role in fostering international development and providing aid, as well as managing the Union's everyday operations. The EC’s activities are set in motion by Commissioners, each responsible for specific policy areas. Together, the Commissioners form a College of Commissioners, acting under the guidance of the President of the EC.
The Election of a New College of Commissioners – Commissioners are appointed by the executive power of each Member State (MS), in collaboration with the President of the EC. Once in office, the 27 Commissioners are, however, independent from their country of origin, as they will work to protect and promote the general interest of the EU. However, it must be noted that the composition of the Commission reflects national governments’ position rather than the political balance in place in the European Parliament.
Nevertheless, before arriving in office, Commissioners must be vetted by the newly elected European Parliament, to ensure that they were chosen “on the ground of their general competence and European commitment” and that their “independence is beyond doubt” (Article 17 Treaty of the European Union).
2024-2029 College of Commissioners – The newly reappointed President of the Commission, Ursula von der Layen, has presented her College of Commissioners, along with the allocation of the portfolios and the new structure of the Commission, on 17 September.
Commissioners (or Commissioner-Designates, as they are not yet serving) will appear before the relevant European Parliament Committees overseeing their portfolios for questioning. Responsible Committees will take the lead, potentially with support from joint and associated Committees, by addressing written questions to Commissioner-Designates, who should have replied by 22 October. Oral questions will follow in hearings set from 4 to 12 November.
The hearing will determine whether Commissioner-Designates will be approved or rejected, hereby confirming the new College of Commissioners for the next 5 years, or triggering complementary procedures.
Eurochild’s involvement – Given the EC central position in EU policymaking, as well as Eurochild’s commitment to protect and promote every child’s right in Europe, the organisation has engaged with the appointment procedure. In partnership with the Child’s Rights Action Group (CRAG), Eurochild has reached out to Committees’ Political Advisors and Members of European Parliament to suggest questions on children’s rights for Commissioner-Designates.
Key committees identified were the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), Committee on Development (DEVE), Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM), Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), Committee on Regional Development (REGI), Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
Adapted to each Commissioner-Designates’ responsibilities, questions touch upon –among others- child poverty, ECEC, education, mental health, child participation, migration, the impact of climate change on children, the role of CSOs and the anti-child rights movements. They suggest giving way to integrated approaches, addressing structural issues and power imbalances, ensuring social investments, and stress compliance with human rights and solidarity.