Evaluation of legislation, policy and practice of child participation in the European Union
The aim of this study by the European Commission was to identify and map the existing situation in terms of child participation in the EU
The key focus of the study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the legal and policy framework for child participation at Member State and EU levels; particular structures and approaches; barriers and enablers; and the impact and benefits of child participation.
The study also identified good practice on child participation which could be used to improve possibilities for participation of children in actions, policies and decisions that affect them.
Overall, the study has shown that the legislative arrangements relating to child participation vary considerably across the EU and that the inclusion of the child's right to participate into national laws has been a gradual process.
Besides this main report, Commission's study also includes a research summary, a child-friendly summary and a specific fact sheet for each Member State, analysing its particular situation and pointing to best practices. A resource catalogue was also produced which will prove useful to promote the better respect of the views of the child.