
Child Rights Coalition Flanders releases Position Paper on EU Child Guarantee

Eurochild member from Belgium Kinderrechtencoalitie Vlaanderen calls for an ambitious national action plan and encourage the involvement of children and NGOs in the process.

The report analyses several challenges in the fight against child poverty and social exclusion in Flanders (and in the rest of Belgium), and compiles policy recommendations to improve access to child care, education, leisure activities, health care and adequate housing for children in vulnerable situations.

This position paper was written in cooperation with Arktos, Bednet, GRIP, Home-Start, Minor-Ndako, SAM vzw, SOS Children's Villages, Sportpret, Tumult, UNICEF and Flemish Welfare Association. The content is based on a written survey and interviews with the members of the coalitions.

By mid-March 2022, Belgium must submit a national action plan clarifying how the Child Guarantee will be applied at national level. Belgium faces many challenges in the fight against child poverty and social exclusion. Existing policies seem insufficient to meet meet these challenges and provide a structural response to the barriers that children in vulnerable situations encounter to realize their rights and to enjoy basic services.

The coalition calls upon policy makers to develop an ambitious national action plan and encourage them to involve the voices of children and civil society organisations as much as possible in the process. 

Read the full report (in NL)

See how the European Child Guarantee can help end child poverty

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