
Helping prospective parents understand the needs of children in alternative care in Turkey

In the context of our technical assistance programme in partnership with Martin James Foundation, Eurochild provided Turkish member Hayat Sende with the opportunity to give trainings to parents who want to adopt or become foster parents.

138 attendees participated in the 9 online sessions started in January 2022. Participants were tested before and after the sessions. The topics of the 2.5 hour-long sessions were the legal and psychosocial aspects of adoption and fostering. Participants also discussed about their expectations and the differences between the two types of care.

Before the online sessions 28.4% of the participants stated that they did not know the difference between a foster family and adoption and 57,4% did not know where to apply if they needed support.

At the end of the sessions 97,3% of the participants stated that they were willing to become foster parents or to adopt children in the future.

Download the presentation used in the sessions (EN translation)

See how Eurochild and Martin James Foundation supported trauma-informed and attachment-aware trainings to parents and alternative care professionals in Greece.

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