

  • CONCORDIA Social Projects

    International organisation

    CONCORDIA Social Projects has set its goal to enable children to grow up happily to have independent lives. CONCORDIA gives them a safe home and opens up future chances for them through a well-founded education. It supervises, advises accompanies and helps quickly and directly in emergency situations. CONCORDIA supports families and brings them back together. In acute crises it offers children a secure possibility to grow up in a family-like environment with dependable caregivers in our facilities.


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  • Sharon Schneider


    Sharon Schneider is affiliated amongst others with the Siegen University and INDOSOW (International Doctoral Studies in Social Work). She co-wrote studies on transcultural school social work practice and on implementation of the UN CRC.


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  • National Coalition for the Implementation of the UN CRC - Austria

    National Partner Network

    The Austrian National Coalition was established in 1997 on behalf of the first supplementary report on the Report of the Federal Republic of Austria to the United Nations. Focal points in their work are: education, youth welfare, unaccompanied refugee children, participation, child poverty, Federal Constitutional Law on the Rights of the Child, coordination, juvenile justice, violence, integration/migration, education on children’s rights, prevention, protection of children, children with a disability, health, international cooperation, child trafficking, child pornography and child prostitution, children and armed conflicts, international adoptions.


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  • Raluca Verweijen-Slamnescu


    Raluca has almost two decades of experience working with national and international organisations. As a former Director of CONCORDIA Social Projects, she contributed to Eurochild work for years long as well as working at SOS Children’s Villages earlier. After stepping down from CONCORDIA, she would like to continue the cooperation with Eurochild as an individual expert. She is a committed children’s rights expert and has extensive knowledge on developing strategies and policy frameworks and managing the social sector. She is based in Vienna but she has been contributed to the development of the Central and Eastern European region with her work and she has strong ties to her origins, to Romania.

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4 December 2024

Austria's Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Austria

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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