
EuropaSocial 2023 - A new generation of local and European action in defence of the rights of the child

On 16 November, Eurochild co-organised a conference on the state of child rights as part of the Europa Social debate series in Barcelona.

The conference, organised together with the Third Sector Platform of Catalonia, through Catalonia’s Platform for Childhood (PINCAT), and DIPLOCAT, explored initiatives that improve the guarantee of children’s rights spearheaded by different levels of governance and European countries. It addressed structural as well as emerging challenges such as child poverty, intergenerational solidarity and attention to diversity.

Speakers included key names from the field of children’s rights in Catalonia and the rest of Europe, including representatives from the European Commission, UNICEF, Eurochild’s Spanish member Plataforma Infancia, and Eurochild.

We were also joined by inspiring practices of social innovation from different country examples, including Austria, Denmark, Malta, Italy, and Spain, featuring Eurochild’s members FEDAIA, the federation of entities that work with children, adolescents, youth and the most vulnerable families in Catalonia.

Mieke Schuurman, Eurochild Director of Child Rights and Capacity Building of Eurochild and Ciaran O'Donnell, Eurochild Partnerships and Programme Officer facilitated and participated in the discussions.

Read the full press release for the conference and watch the recording below:

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