Workshop on reducing inequalities and early childhood development
On 4 May (14:00 – 16:00) Eurochild and European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) will hold a workshop at Social Platform's Flagship Conference as First Year First Priority Campaign partners.
Social Protection: Reducing inequalities from the first years of life: the role of Early Childhood Development
The first years of life provide the foundation for life-long health and wellbeing, so investing in early childhood development is crucial for addressing inequalities and tackling poverty and social exclusion. The First Years First Priority campaign was launched in December 2020 to ensure every child has a fair start in life. A strong social Europe needs to invest in children from their earliest years. The Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights, together with the proposed EU Child Guarantee, represent an unprecedented opportunity to increase governments’ attention to, and public investment in, quality early childhood development services, ensuring early intervention and catalysing positive change for the most vulnerable and marginalised children.
The workshop aims to mobilise strategic stakeholders, such as policy and decision–makers, civil society organisations, professionals and interested parties to highlight the importance of early childhood development for providing equitable solutions to health and social inequalities and advance ‘social Europe’. It seeks to provide clear policy messages and recommendations on what is needed to tackle systemic disparities affecting vulnerable children such as Roma and Travellers, children with disabilities, migrant and refugee children, children at risk of entering, or in, alternative care, and those living in extreme poverty.
The Social Platform conference will take place in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security in the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union – ahead of the EU Social Summit taking place on 7 May in Porto (Portugal).