
Daphne-CHILD: Shaping tomorrow’s child protection services with children

Eurochild and Terre des Hommes (TdH) are implementing a 3-year sub-granting and capacity building programme to support grassroot civil society organisations (CSOs) address violence against children.

The programme will be active in 9 countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Ukraine) and we aim to sub-grant €1.3 million Euro across the programme’s lifecycle. Children’s meaningful participation is core to our programme, so each project selected for sub-granting will incorporate children’s views in the design and delivery of activities.

To ensure meaningful and effective solutions are found, not only do organisations working on the ground with victims need to be engaged and supported to tackle the issues at hand; children themselves need to be central to discussions and planning around combatting violence.

The learning and activities of the programme will be shared with national and European decision-makers to inform the EU’s efforts around developing more integrated child protection systems.

The ambition of the programme is three-fold:

  • To address violence against children and young people, WITH children and young people, in 9 European countries across, by funding interventions that can improve children’s lives;
  • To develop capacities of local CSOs working at local level in 8 countries in the area of violence against children and young people, and to create a cross-country learning network for these organisations for peer exchange and mutual learning;
  • To inform wider regional work at European level (EU, Council of Europe etc.) in the area of addressing violence against children across its many forms - both direct and/or indirect, and day-to-day and/or systemic, drawing on lived experiences and practice-examples supported by the programme.


  • Partners: Eurochild and Terre des Hommes
  • Funder: EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme
  • Duration: May 2024 – April 2027
  • Programme's approach and vision


Agata D’Addato, Eurochild Head of Programmes



Terms of Reference for Expert Advisory Board