
Members of the National Eurochild Forum Croatia and Eurochild Children's Council meet the Croatian Parliament

52 children aged 9-15 presented their projects at local level, discussed what the problems and needs of Croatian children's are and suggested solutions at the meeting held at the Croatian Parliament on 29 November 2023.

  • The children and young people discussed the following topics:

Lana presented the work of the Eurochild Children's Council (ECC), in which Eurochild member SOC Opatija has supported the participation of three children since the first mandate, and the achievements in pushing for the active participation of children in decision making at the European level.

Viktoria presented the results of a survey on poverty featured in the Eurochild report "Poverty takes away the right to childhood" in which the Croatian National Eurochild Forum (NEF) participated. Members of the Croatian Parliament received a printed copy of the report. Valentina run a session on the influence of technology on young people's life and presented the VOICE project led by Eurochild, ECPAT International and Terre des Hommes and in which members of the Croatian NEF participated. Marin presented the work of NEF Croatia and talked about the right to play and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Damian and Erik presented the project "I give you a hand - joint activities with children with developmental disabilities". Ema and Leon presented the General Comment of the 26th Committee for the Rights of the Child on children's rights and the environment with a special emphasis on climate change and the involvement of the councilors of the City of Opatija in its adoption.

Fran presented the appeal of the Children's Council of the Mediterranean Movement for children's participation related to the terrible events and deaths of children in the Middle East. Helena talked about her participation in the EU Children's Participation Platform.

  • The decision-makers who took part in the event:

The chairwoman of the Committee for Family, Youth and Sports, Assoc. Ph.D. Vesna Vučemilović, Ombudsperson for Children, Helenca Pirnat Dragičević, President of Union of Societies Our Children of Croatia, Prof. Ph.D. Aida Salihagić Kadić, academician and secretary of the Committee for Family, Youth and Sports, Zora Vukoja, Margareta Mađerić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Tomislav Družak, State Secretary for Sports, Regina M. Castillo, Head of UNICEF in Croatia, parliamentary representatives, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health.

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