
A call to invest in integrated child protection systems that meet the needs of children in migration

Eurochild endorses joint statement calling on the EU to stay committed to protecting children in migration

Developments over the last years have placed children increasingly unprotected and at risk of abuse, violence, exploitation, being separated from their families, and going missing. In the worst of cases, Europe has witnessed hostile migration control and enforcement measures being applied in a way that excludes vital human rights and child protection safeguards, including pushbacks, detention and lack of durable solutions for children with an insecure residence status.

While measures are being put in place to welcome refugees from Ukraine, this development of parallel protection systems within the EU for persons fleeing wars now leads to unequal treatment for refugee children from different countries. It is essential that we learn from this response to see how to focus on better meeting the needs of all children in migration.

Read the full statement

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