
Building a sustainable future for Eurochild

2023 is an exciting time, not only because Eurochild is turning 19, but also because the Secretariat is renovating its structure.

Between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 the Eurochild Secretariat reorganised itself in three main sub-teams: Finance and Operations; Children’s Rights and Capacity Building; and Policy, Advocacy and Communications.

This new structure will help the Eurochild Secretariat work more smoothly and achieve impact in the four main thematic areas highlighted in our new Strategic Framework, adopted at the 2022 Extraordinary General Assembly:

  • Make children’s rights a public policy priority in Europe;
  • Strengthen the community of children’s rights activists across Europe;
  • Elevate the voices of children and young people, in particular those experiencing disadvantage;
  • Consolidate the network for improved sustainability and impact. 

This more flexible organisation also ensures continuity in our work and supports our capacity to adapt to emerging priorities.

The Finance and Operations Team aims at strengthening the network, by focusing on governance, events, and admin. The other two teams will work on the promotion of the rights and well-being of children in policy and practice through advocacy, exchanges with members, capacity building (including fundraising), and research. While we continue our leading work on child participation, children in alternative care, early child development, child poverty and social exclusion, we will also deepen our policy research and advocacy action on children’s rights in the digital environment and we will strengthen the community of children’s rights activists, by supporting members in countries where the rights of children are under attack.

In the meantime, the Management Board is recruiting an Interim Secretary General that will guide the organisation through these changes until the appointment of a permanent Secretary General. If you are interested in this role, or have any queries, please contact Essensys directly, on the following email address:

Read the Strategic Framework

Take a look at the About Us page to meet the team

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