
Bulgarians can now vote for a better country for children

Inspired by the Child Rights Manifesto campaign, the Bulgarian Child Rights Network launched a pre-election campaign to find child rights champions among candidates running for elections

‘The future of Bulgaria is the future of our children, and it depends on our politicians’.  

In light of the upcoming national elections in the country, National Network for Children - Bulgaria launched a new pre-election campaign to look for Children’s Rights Champions in Bulgaria.

Inspired by the ‘Child Rights Manifesto’ campaign during the European Parliament elections in 2019, the campaign calls on running candidates to join the  ‘Parliamentary group for children’ and to support policies focused on children’s well-being and to declare their commitment to improve life conditions  of all children and families in Bulgaria. 

Over 60 candidates across seven parties and coalitions already pledged their support to the Bulgarian campaign, by signing the “Child Champion” declaration. If elected, they will join the cross-party ‘Parliamentary group for children’, whose work will focus on problems related to children’s’ healthcare, education, justice, poverty and social exclusion.

Currently in Bulgaria, over 400 000 children live in poverty and social exclusion, 1 in 3 children can’t afford to buy shoes, go on vacation or afford leisure activities and education necessities and 46% of 15-year-olds are functionally illiterate. Furthermore, Bulgarian youth is among the first ranked in Europe in smoking and alcohol and cannabis consumption, and only 11% of the national health spending is dedicated to children’s healthcare. 

Especially with the launch of the Child Guarantee and the European Strategy on the Rights of the Child, a Parliamentary group for children could be pivotal in ensuring that the new government starts prioritising investments in children.

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