
Children deserve a safer digital environment

On #SaferInternetDay, Eurochild signs open letter, calling the the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament to put the rights of children at the heart of its upcoming legislation on fighting child sexual abuse.

Eurochild joins 19 civil society organisation in urging the European Institution to make digital environments safer for all children.

Safety by design and privacy by default are conditions which every online platform should fulfill to foster an online environment that is safe for kids but the harsh reality is that today, more than 46 million unique images or videos of child abuse are registered in Europol´s repository. Behind these numbers, real children are suffering.

As with the GDPR, the EU is once more in the position to establish a new global standard for child protection and privacy. Therefore, we welcome the European Commission's initiative to enact a long-term regulation to fight child sexual abuse and the Trio presidencies’ - France, the Czech Republic, and Sweden – commitment to step up efforts at the EU level to better protect children, in particular against sexual abuse.

Read the full letter

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