
Children’s Rights - Eurochild’s achievements in 2023

Annual Report 2023.

In the midst of ongoing challenges threatening children's rights in 2023, Eurochild actively engaged in initiatives to advocate for, protect and promote the rights and well-being of children across Europe. While various issues continued to pose significant obstacles, there were notable achievements and actions taken by Eurochild to address these challenges.

Our Achievements

Implementation of the Child Guarantee: Eurochild continued to inform and monitor the implementation of the Child Guarantee, recognising it as a significant step toward ensuring access to key services and support for children across the EU.

Policy Analysis and Recommendations: Eurochild conducted thorough analyses of EU policies, including the European Semester process, and migration policies, identifying gaps in the Child Protection Systems and advocating for the prioritisation of children's digital and environmental rights. Additionally, Eurochild shared recommendations with the Council of Europe to strengthen its strategic role in protecting core values, emphasising the importance of embedding children's rights in all policy areas.

Advocacy Against Racism and Discrimination: Eurochild actively participated in conferences and initiatives focused on combating racism and discrimination, highlighting the intersectionality of children's rights and advocating for structural solutions to address systemic inequalities. Eurochild also called for stronger action to achieve health equity, recognising discrimination as a fundamental determinant of well-being for children and adults alike.

Consultation on EU Accession Countries: Eurochild facilitated consultations with its members from EU accession countries Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine, identifying challenges to upholding children's rights in these regions and advocating for necessary reforms and support.

Data and Evidence-Based Policy: Eurochild emphasised the importance of data-driven decision-making in policy formulation, particularly in areas impacting child well-being such as digitalisation, underscoring the need for better data to inform targeted interventions and resource allocation.

Emergency Response and Support: Eurochild responded to emergencies such as natural disasters and conflicts, advocating for support and protection for affected children and communities. This included addressing the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, supporting refugee children through the ICAM Project, and we took stock of the work done on the ground and asked our members how they protect the right of children to be children during war. We shared Hayat Sende’s concerns when the earthquake hit Türkiye and Syria. We released several statements advocating for peace and humanitarian action in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, urging the EU to call for the respect of international humanitarian law and end war crimes committed against civilians. We drew attention to the use of harmful language in the media  when referring to civilian victims, which varies depending on the demographic being referred, and leads to the perpetuation of stereotypes and biases.

Countering Anti-Child Rights Movements: Eurochild actively engaged in countering anti-child rights rhetoric and movements, advocating for better protection and engagement of civil society in Europe. At various conferences and events, Eurochild voiced concerns over attacks on children's rights and presented concrete examples to raise awareness and mobilise action, many of which were directly linked to the work of our members.

Despite the challenges and threats faced in 2023, Eurochild's proactive engagement, advocacy efforts, and collaborative initiatives demonstrated its steadfast commitment to advancing children's rights and ensuring a safe and fairer future for all children in Europe.

Read the full Annual Report 2023

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