
DAY: Students meet representatives of Naples local government

Last week the delegates of the DAY - Democratic Activation of Youth- project, together with their fellow school representatives, visited the Council Hall of the Municipality of Naples.

The visit, requested by the Councilor for Scholastic and Educational Activities of Municipality 2 Valentina Bertocco, was held as part of a series of meetings planned to bring students closer to local institutions. Municipal councilor Walter Savarese d'Atri welcoming the group of 50 studentd and explained how the city government works and the different roles and duties.

The students asked many questions demonstrating how young generations want to understand and be engaged as active citizens at a local level, but not only. The purpose of this series of meetings is precisely to bring future voters and future decision makers closer in their neighborhood and municipality.

The students released their civic agendas at the end of 2023 featuring their ideas on how to redevelop their urban areas and improve the education system and met other fellow students and decision makers.

The DAY project by Albero della Vita, CIDIS and Eurochild is financed by the European Union and is developed in three municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Naples.

Coming next

Project partners are organising an event involving all the districts of Naples to connect with the ones that were part of the project and will share letters of endorsements to support a child participation mechanism at local level.

Read more about the project

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