
Decentralisation of social services in Kosovo

KOMF develops the Advocacy Strategy 2019–2021 on decentralization of social and family services

Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF, is a coalition composed of local and international NGOs working in the child protection field, with the joint mission to advocate and protect the rights of children in Kosovo. In partnership with SOS Fshatrat e Fëmijëve Kosovë, KOMF has held the workshop with the aim of drafting the Advocacy Strategy 2019-2021 for the decentralization of social and family services in Kosovo.

This workshop is a continuation of the first needs assessment need in advocacy, which was held with members of the coalition, partners and other stakeholders. It has a special value towards the end of the process of decentralization of social services in Kosovo.

This workshop is organised in frame of the project “Joint Action for Decentralization”, a project funded by the European Union and managed by the EU Office in Kosovo, implemented by the  Coalition of NGOs for Children Protection in Kosovo – KOMF in partnership with SOS Fshatrat e Fëmijëve Kosovë, Organizata për fëmijët pa kujdes prindëror – OFAP and KMOP.

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