
Empowering young advocates: Eurochild joins the European Changemakers event

Eurochild participated in an event with 120 youth advocates from 15 countries within the 'European Changemakers' project, supporting the creation of advocacy strategies on education, gender equality, migration and climate change.

On 23 of April, Eurochild participated and contributed to the empowerment of child advocates across Europe in the context of the "European Changemakers," project, engaging approximately 120 students aged 15-18 from 50 schools across 15 EU member states, Ukraine and the UK. In this initiative, international teams of students delved into research and undertook various assignments, culminating in the development of advocacy strategies for causes close to their hearts.

The students based their strategies on the template provided in the Eurochild Training Tool on engaging children in advocacy work on their right to participate in decision-making processes, which includes a description of the various stages of the advocacy process. It begins with defining the issue at hand, followed by an assessment of internal strengths and weaknesses, and an analysis of external opportunities and challenges, targets, allies, and opponents. It also supports the development of clear objectives that are effective and measurable, and detailed activities outlined in an action plan, assigning responsibilities, and setting timelines for implementation. Throughout this process, evaluation remains paramount, measuring impact and informing future actions for sustained advocacy success.

The presentations of the child advocates focused on several important issues, such as education, gender equality, migration, and climate change. Eurochild staff, who offered feedback on the presentations delivered by the young people, were impressed by the ambitious strategies they presented.

As Eurochild continues to champion children's rights and advocacy, events like "European Changemakers" serve as pivotal moments to inspire and support the voices of children and young people. Equipping youth advocates with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of advocacy is of crucial. This is especially important in view of the EU Elections, where we are calling for future MEPs to stand up for children’s rights in the 2024 European Parliament Elections.

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