Podcast | EU Elections: Rising Conservatism and Child Rights Concerns
The Eurochild Podcast: Episode 3.
What will Europe look like after the upcoming EU Elections? We analysed the manifestos of the EU political parties to see how these will affect the lives of children and young people. Far-right parties are expected to have 1/4 of the seats in the parliament. What is the impact of this conservative shift on human rights, the environment, EU funds, initiatives and social rights?
The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud.
Eurochild is a member of the #VoteforChildren campaign aiming at putting children and their rights at the heart of the EU Elections 2024. Commit to become a Child Rights Champion in your next mandate! If you are a candidate Member of the European Parliament, we urge you to sign our manifesto and put children’s rights at the heart of your mandate.