
Eurochild member Hintalovon publishes 2022 child rights report on Hungary

The lack of national coordination, monitoring and evaluation of children’s rights has been a persistent problem since 1990.

The annual child rights report is a full overview of every available data, information, research findings and legal amendment of 2022. The structure of the Report is based on the last Concluding Observation of Hungary and was co-created with children who were consulted via group discussions.

According to the organisation: "Last year, not only have official sources almost completely dried up, but it is also striking how much less research, studies and specialist material has been produced on child rights issues. 

The fate of children varies greatly by region and social group, by individual circumstances, and there are many systemic factors that influence how under-18s feel in Hungary. Moreover, in many respects 2022 did not bring anything new, but only a clear reflection of the results of negative trends over many years (sometimes decades)."

Read the full report

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