
Fighting child poverty through integrated working

Tackling child poverty requires integrated ways of working to create supportive environments.
Eurochild members are active on the ground developing, testing and advocating for the best approaches that put children’s right at the front of practices and approaches.

Three members from Ireland, Austria and Latvia presented their approaches to a critical review on 30 September at the ‘ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform Community of Practice on Social Inclusion Peer review on creating supportive environments through integrated working to fight child poverty’. The event was attended by ESF Managing Authorities, intermediate bodies, NGOs and the European Commission.

Other Eurochild members participated in the discussion groups, providing examples of working at the national level with government ministries to lift children out of poverty.

For further information about the ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform Community of Practice on Social Inclusion, please contact Ally Dunhill, Head of Advocacy.

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