
Interim report on the child rights situation in Germany

The report by Eurochild member National Coalition Germany answers the question "Where do we stand in the implementation of children's rights in Germany?". Update: now also available in English.

Four years have passed since the 2019 report was submitted to the German government. In 2023, the National Coalition Germany published an interim report highlighting key issues where their members see a significant need for action.

The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and inflation are having an impact on all children.

Budget cuts must not lead to child rights violations. Given the strained budget situation a clear commitment to child rights-based budget planning is required. The Federal Government in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child needs to implement all appropriate legislative and administrative measures and to act in the best interests of the children putting children's welfare as a priority.

Since the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, the situation has changed especially for unaccompanied children refugees due to overburdened accommodation and care structures for children and young people increasingly deteriorated.

The reports also highlights a nationwide shortage of skilled social workers.

Some of the Coalition's key requests:

  • Reaffirming the demand from the Supplementary Report, "the fundamental principles [of the UNCRC] should be expressly enshrined in the Basic Law [...]. It must be ensured that children's rights establish subjectively enforceable legal entitlements and that both the primacy of the best interests of the child and participation rights constitute a child-specific right development and the duty to protect and promote."
  • All children are to be recognised as beneficiaries in the upcoming law on "Kindergrundsicherung” (basic child security).
  • The voting age limit for local, state, federal and European elections as well as for referendums or petitions is to be lowered.
  • To prevent digital exclusion and discrimination, the federal, state and local authorities have a joint responsibility to enable all children to participate in the digital environment. To this end, safe and barrier-free access should be provided in public spaces such as schools, children's and youth facilities and public places.
  • The German Government should advocate a child rights-based, balanced admission procedure of refugee children and young people that is binding for all EU member states and ensures that children's rights and humanitarian obligations are respected as well as that adequate resources are provided and social integration promoted.

Read the full report (in English)

Read the full report (in German)

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