
Irish radio interviews young member of Building Children’s Futures project 

Latisha, who’s recently turned 18, has received the Traveller Pride Week Education Award and is a great representative of what the Building Children’s Futures project can contribute to in mainstreaming child participation in government decision-making in Ireland, and beyond.

Latisha McCrudden is part of the Advisory Group for our Building Children’s Futures project and has recently referenced her role in the project as part an interview she gave for RTÉ Radio 1, an Irish national radio station.

The two-year project funded by European Commission's CERV Programme aims to examine the effects of COVID-19 pandemic measures on activities and services for children and young people and how this impacted their rights. The research is be done through consultations with groups of children and young people who were disproportionately impacted and who have experienced increased exposure to abuse, neglect, poverty, hunger, social exclusion and mental health difficulties.

Latisha is part of the project's Children and Young People’s Advisory Group (CYPAG) coordinated by Foróige and is member of the Irish Traveller Community, a group among the most marginalised and discriminted in Ireland. In the interview she talks about social justice and tackling discrimination, political activism and her own goals in life as a young person.

One of the other CYPAG members, Jack McGinn, also wrote a short piece published in the Irish Times on a round-up on 'Big ideas for the future of education', where he argues for reform of the Irish education system to make it "more equitable and accessible... [and] designed to support students in finding their best-fit options for further education and career paths."

The partners of the project are: Eurochild; Children’s Rights Alliance; Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth; Children and Young People's Services Committees - Tusla the Child and Family Agency in Ireland; UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and Foróige.

Listen to the radio interview:

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