
Telefono Azzurro renews collaboration with Italian Police for the protection of minors and the prevention of online abuse

Eurochild Italian member Telefono Azzurro aims at strenghtening actions and strategies to fight the creation and dissemination of Child Sexual Abuse Material.

The protocol signed on 30 janaury 2023 falls within the scope of the directives issued by the Minister of the Interior for the strengthening of the prevention and fight against child pornography and violence against minors online through the signing of agreements with institutional and private organizations.

Eurochild's member Telefono Azzurro Foundation will support the identification of victims of crimes relating to child pornography and work in the framework of the development of measures for the prevention and protection of minors from abuse and violence. For the State Police, this task is ensured by the National Center for the Fight against Child Pornography Online (CNCPO) and by the Postal and Communications Police Service.

Founded in 1987, Telefono Azzurro offers helplines and hotlines for children (via phone, web, chat, apps) and promote initiatives for students, educators, and policymakers on the importance of prevention. "In 35 years of activity of Telefono Azzurro, listening to children has allowed us to understand their needs – the prevention and fight against abuse, bullying and cyberbullying, the support and protection of children affected by the most recent tragedies, such as the war in Ukraine" said Ernesto Caffo, President of Telefono Azzurro.

Right before the 2022 elections Telefono Azzurro published a Manifesto with ten proposals to strengthen child protection in Italy:

  1. Support the expansion of helplines for children and adolescents
  2. Raise awareness about the consequences of abuse and violence against children   
  3. Develop prevention strategies
  4. Invest in the development of age verification systems
  5. Strengthen actions and update strategies to combat the creation, dissemination and dissemination of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
  6. Involve all stakeholders in reporting and prompt removal of material that is illegal or harmful to children and teenagers
  7. Collaborate with the scientific and academic community on the topic of mental health 
  8. Ensure respect for the inalienable rights of children and adolescents in any situation 
  9. Promote the participation and active involvement of children and adolescents in decision-making processes
  10. Encourage the establishment of an ad hoc Ministry for Children and Adolescents

Further information: See Telefono Azzurro's activities planned for Safer Internet Day

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