
Urgent debate on the situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian Aggression

On 3 March 2022 Eurochild delivered a joint statement on behalf of Child Rights Connect at the United Nations Human Rights Council special session on Ukraine.

"We condemn the recent attacks on schools and kindergartens in Ukraine. At least six educational facilities have faced shelling in recent days, which will have a profound impact on children's right to education. [...] As a network of organisations and individuals committed to protecting and promoting the human rights of children, we stand united against war.

We reiterate the Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire and a return to dialogue and negotiations to stop the escalation of war in Ukraine and we call on the international community to support all measures that protect children’s lives and wellbeing, including support for all children and families to find safety within Ukraine and across borders without discrimination.

We also support the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry by the Council and any other accountability mechanisms to deal with violations and abuses of children's rights. "

Read the full statement (PDF)

Watch the video message by Jana Hainsworth, Secretary General of Eurochild:

The joint statement is supported by:

  1. Arigatou International (ECOSOC Status)
  2. Child Rights Connect (ECOSOC status)
  3. Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
  4. Defence for Children International (ECOSOC status)
  5. Defence for Children Costa Rica
  6. ECPAT International
  7. Eurochild (ECOSOC status)
  8. Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
  9. Plan International
  10. Plataforma de la Infancia
  11. SOS Children’s Villages (ECOSOC Status)
  12. Women’s World Summit Foundation
  13. World Organisation Against Torture/SOS Torture (ECOSOC status)
  14. World Vision International
  15. Association AMANE

See our Solidarity with Children of Ukraine hub

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