
2024 European Semester Spring Package

An underutilised opportunity to strengthen the EU’s Future through the Protection and Advancement of Children's Rights

The European Semester holds significant potential to drive national policies prioritising children's rights, yet many critical challenges remain. The latest Country Reports highlight persistent gaps, with fiscal discipline often overshadowing necessary social investments aimed at reducing inequality. While some countries have made progress in areas such as early childhood development, education, and deinstitutionalization, mental health services, digital safety, climate change, and children's right to be heard are still largely overlooked in the 2024 Spring Package. With child poverty rates rising to 25%, greater efforts are needed to address these issues, including the effective implementation of the European Child Guarantee.

The European Semester could be a game-changer for children’s rights, especially with its Country Specific Recommendations identifying the most pressing issues. However, the lack of comprehensive recommendations for many Member States limits its impact. To truly break the cycle of poverty and foster long-term social cohesion, a stronger, more consistent focus on children's rights in health, education, and social inclusion is essential. The question remains: Are Member States really delivering, and can the EC's approach live up to its potential?

You can read here Eurochild’s analysis and recommendations on the European Semester Spring Package

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