Advancing the Implementation of the European Child Guarantee in Bulgaria
This joint position acknowledges Bulgaria’s progress and provides recommendations based on discussions at the 5–7 March Sofia event with key stakeholders. It was co-developed by 70 policymakers, activists, and researchers, and has been endorsed by 22 individuals and organisations.
The implementation of the European Child Guarantee (ECG) in Bulgaria is vital to ensuring all children, especially those in extreme poverty, including Roma children and those with disabilities, have access to essential services such as early childhood development, quality education, housing, healthcare, nutrition, and family support.
A holistic, multi-faceted approach is necessary for its effective implementation. Establishing a strong system to track child well-being indicators, in collaboration with universities and research centres, will improve data collection and enable evidence-based policymaking. Strengthening cooperation among government agencies, NGOs, the private sector, and research institutions will enhance service delivery while securing long-term national and EU funding is crucial for sustaining ECG initiatives and ensuring resources reach the most vulnerable.
The Child Guarantee should prioritise vulnerable children through inclusive services, flexible funding, and strong cross-sector collaboration. Support for families must be holistic, with a focus on rural areas, Roma inclusion, and parental assistance. Early childhood development and education should be high-quality, accessible, and free, with well-trained professionals and safe learning environments. Housing solutions require a national strategy for social housing and legalising informal settlements. Healthcare must improve access, focusing on prevention, mental health, and rural services. Free school meals, better nutrition education, and food vouchers should combat child hunger and promote well-being.
Read the full paper to discover our detailed recommendations