
Eurochild Child Guarantee Taskforce Country Report - Germany

Recommendations for the Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Germany

This report is part of 6 country reports which include recommendations for the design and implementation of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans in Bulgaria; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; and Spain.

Main Recommendations by Taskforce Germany:

  • The government needs to clearly and concretely state the commitments, goals and powers of the National Coordinator and needs to instill accountability and commitment from across relevant national institutions and government agencies involved in implementing the Child Guarantee;
  • The National Coordinator needs to be able to effectively monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Child Guarantee. This can only be done through a comprehensive and robust data monitoring process at national level that also aligns to an EU level monitoring framework;
  • The Child Guarantee must be adequately and transparently funded, with EU Funds and a national budget. The National Coordinator needs to be able to monitor and evaluate the budget to be able to effectively implement the Child Guarantee;
  • Children’s policies deserve special attention and a targeted approach that outlines problems and places a real focus on child poverty and possible solutions in the short and long term.

Read the report

Taskforce Lead: The German Children’s Fund
Taskforce Team Members: Kindermitte e.V.

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