Investing in children through the post-2020 European Multiannual Financial Framework
Eurochild releases recommendations on post 2020 EU Budget
The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is the budgetary plan of the European Union which sets the maximum amount of spending for different policy areas for several years.
Eurochild’s recommendations offer suggestions on how EU spending can have maximum impact on Member States’ efforts to reduce child poverty, to break the cycle of disadvantage and ultimately to build more inclusive and prosperous societies.
Children are one fifth of the population in Europe and have the greatest stake in its future. Yet, there is no explicit focus on them in the EU’s spending plans, and funding programmes that impact children are not designed with their needs in mind.
These are our key recommendations:
1. Clearly communicate the added value of EU funding and how it contributes to social inclusion
2. Track what is spent on children under the next MFF
3. Keep cohesion policy and funding at the heart of the EU’s vision, and ensure it delivers on the Pillar of Social Rights
4. Distribute ESI funds according to identified social challenges, not only economic indicators
5. Increase earmarked resources for poverty reduction and social inclusion and ensure they reach beyond the labour market
6. Make child poverty an explicit investment priority, and more visible in national poverty reduction and social inclusion strategies
7. Build on progress made in using EU funds to transition from institutional to community-based services
8. Private financing must not undermine standards or public accountability
9. Ensure effective governance and accountability mechanisms on the use of EU funds in Member States’
10. Strengthen stakeholder involvement, particularly civil society’s capacity to engage