
Prioritising Children’s Rights for a Democratic, Prosperous, Competitive, Digital and Green Europe

Eurochild’s Post-European Parliament Elections Analysis

The recent European Parliament elections have drawn significant attention from European citizens, reflected in a turnout of 51.8%. The European People's Party (EPP), led by Ursula von der Leyen, emerged victorious, potentially securing von der Leyen a second term as Commission President. While the Socialists and Democrats maintained their position, Renew Europe (liberals) and Greens suffered losses. Notably, far-right parties gained substantial support, particularly in France, Germany, and Austria. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group now holds a more influential position.

In general, the composition of the new European Parliament (2024-2029) might suggest some continuity in policy direction. However, there is a risk that the more radical parties will be in a better position to promote their agendas.

The political and legislative priorities for the upcoming European Commission (2024-2029), in line with the priorities of the European Council and newly elected European Parliament, will be agreed through coalition-building efforts. Key policy priorities will be spelled out in a mission statement, presented by the candidate nominated for the Commission President in September, and followed by specific policy statements for individual commissioners. All designated Members of the next European Commission will undergo a hearing and an affirmative vote by the European Parliament. The new College of Commissioners is expected to be appointed by the end of 2024.

Read the full analysis

Further information:
Child Rights Manifesto / Vote for Children
Building a community of children’s rights supporters in 2024 – 2029 European Parliament

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