
Roma children across Europe

Sub-report on Roma children's rights and needs based on assessments provided by Eurochild members in 26 countries.

On 20 November - World Children’s Day - Eurochild released its latest report on children in need titled Children's rights: political will or won't? Eurochild 2023 report on children in need across Europe.

This sub-report includes country specific descriptions of the situation of Roma children, shares input of the gaps identified by our members, and provides recommendations for national policy-makers to take action on as to alleviate child poverty and prevent child-family separations.

Facts in the spotlight:

  1. All 26 participating countries address the needs of Roma children by mainstreaming them in measures targeting poverty reduction, increased access to healthcare and essential services.
  2. 14 of the 26 countries have mentioned Roma children among the most vulnerable ones and are addressing their needs through targeted measures. Our members report that the grounds for identifying Roma children among the ones most in need are poverty (9 countries), social exclusion or discrimination (6 countries), and hindered access to education (5 countries).
  3. 6 of the participating countries report that their National Action Plans for the European Child Guarantee explicitly mention/foresee measures to support Roma children - HR, DE, LV, PT, SL, ES.
  4. 3 European Semester Country Specific Reports discuss mainstream measures, including Roma children, in tackling child poverty - BG, HU, LT.

Read the full sub-report

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