Will it deliver for children?
Eurochild analysis of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan
On 4 March 2021, the European Commission presented the long-awaited Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights. The document outlines specific policies, targets and frameworks, to turn the 20 principles of the Social Pillar into action.
The Action Plan is an important milestone in building a Union of equality and social inclusion. Yet, to achieve a real transformative change, the Plan should lead to much greater attention to and investment in the rights of all children. This must include children in their earliest years and, in particular, those facing exclusion and discrimination, an appropriate target on child poverty, and meaningful and rights-based processes of child participation.
This paper offers a detailed review of the instruments included in the plan and presents suggestions on how to use these elements to improve the lives of the youngest European citizens.
Read it here