
Eurochild 12 days of Christmas

While the holiday season is approaching, here is an overview of Eurochild’s work following the ’12 Days of Christmas’ song!

12 – The Eurochild Secretariat team is now composed of 12 nationalities! Discover more about our wonderful international team here.

11 – Eleven children are part of the Eurochild Children’s Council. They are a selected group of children who play an advisory role concerning Eurochild’s key advocacy priorities, governance decisions and events.

10 – Ten countries’ Child Guarantee National Action Plans include indicators on children in alternative care in their monitoring frameworks. With these indicators, decision-makers and civil society can monitor deinstitutionalisation for this vulnerable group of children across Europe.

9 – Eurochild Management Board is composed of 9 members. Find out more about our President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Board Members on our about us page.

8 – This year Eurochild held eight members’ taskforce meetings on safety in the digital environment, featuring debates and presentations on online safety, wellbeing, and mental health. The taskforce’s aim is to build members’ capacity to advocate for children’s rights in the digital environment at national and European level and it is formed by 27 members from 22 different countries. Find out more about our work on digital.

7 –Eurochild conducted a consultation with its members from seven countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine) to share their insights into the situation of children in the EU accession countries as part of the 2023 Enlargement Package of the European Commission. You can read more here.

6 – Six thematic papers with a focus on young children and their families published by the First Years First Priority campaign, which Eurochild coordinates together with partners, including our new member International Step-by-Step Association (three in November 2022 and three on October 2023).

5 – This year we published five pieces on the prevention of child-family separation and addressing child poverty in Bulgaria, with a focus on Roma children’s experience: Leveraging EU influence to deliver change for families in adversity in Bulgaria, The fifth person’s potential if poverty wasn’t a factor, Fighting Child Poverty in Bulgaria: joint initiatives, Access to housing as a priority in Bulgaria, Children in the implementation of EU initiatives – Analysis of Bulgaria (briefing for members only).

4 – Eurochild has 4 National Eurochild Forums (NEFs), groups of children from diverse backgrounds responsible for collecting and investigating the views of children across their country. The NEFs recently contributed to Eurochild's first report on Child Poverty, which provides an overview of the situation on the ground in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, and Malta bringing children’s voices into the conversation.

3 – As part of the Reaching In Initiative, there are 3 partners, Eurochild, the University of Central Lancashire and our member Fundació Privada Pere Closa released an accessible and child-friendly explainer of the Child Guarantee which features a game.

2 – Two Eurochild members took part in the European Day of Persons with Disabilities Conference. Discover more about the work of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Adapted Activities “ALMA” and Throskahjalp – The National Association of Intellectual Disabilities.

1 – One end-of-year report - Children's Rights: Political will or won't? - Eurochild 2023 report on children in need across Europe based on assessments provided by 38 Eurochild members in 26 countries and with recommendations for each country on how to address among others, child poverty and social exclusion, discrimination, health, online safety and early childhood services.

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