

Belgium - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Belgium This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…

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Belgium - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members on the European Semester, on EU funding, and…

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  • Maria-Anna Paraskeva


    Maria-Anna Paraskeva is a retired EU official who had a 42-year career at the European Commission and since 1995, has been involved in areas of work involving children. She has been involved with Eurochild’s activities since its start.

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  • Active Citizen Europe

    Academic and research institution

    Active Citizen Europe (ACE) fosters the integration of children within society through innovative and participatory programmes, capacity building, advocacy, intercultural work, digital literacy and the promotion of a multipronged citizenship education. ACE pioneers community-based programmes for young people to encourage integration and prevent marginalization.

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  • Alliance for Childhood European Network Group

    International organisation

    Alliance for Childhood European Network group’s vision is that European societies place the quality of childhood in the centre of all their activities and thoroughly assesses the effects of their decisions on children. Their main mission is to increase the respect for childhood as a basis for human development and to create awareness of the needs of all children; it aims at developing and inspiring ideas for solutions to those problems which could endanger the good quality of childhood. It provides a platform for policy makers, decision makers, researchers, practitioners, parents and all people that have an influence on children’s lives.

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  • Child Rights Coalition Flanders

    National Partner Network

    The Child Rights Coalition Flanders is a network of non-governmental organisations that aims at monitoring the compliance with the UNCRC, actively promotes the rights of the child and constructively contributes to the process of reporting on the implementation of the UNCRC. The Kinderrechtencoalitie does this by gathering information and expertise related to the application of the UNCRC  working to build and strengthen the network of NGOs working with/for children and by doing advocacy and lobbying work, monitoring policies and spreading the vision and recommendations of the NGOs.


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  • Children's Rights Knowledge Centre - Keki

    National organisation - advocacy/campaign

    The Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre is a non-profit organisation that operates on the intersection between children’s rights research policy and practice in Flanders, Belgium and abroad. KeKi’s activities aim to contribute to a better understanding of children’s rights in a variety of professional contexts. KeKi encourages researchers, policy makers and professionals to integrate and contextualise children’s rights in their work and to take a reflective stance towards what children’s rights can mean in their specific work. As a knowledge actor, Keki’s role is to gather and share existing knowledge and expertise about children’s rights    make this knowledge useful and accessible for different professional contexts and – where gaps in knowledge exist – create or co-create new knowledge. All KeKi’s work is based on interdisciplinary academic research and inspired by a critical self-reflective approach.

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  • VBJK - Ressource and Research Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education

    Academic and research institution

    VBJK is a resource, research and training centre in early childhood education and care, which keeps track of evolution on the ground and in research and monitors national and international changes. VBJK is committed to support and improve the daily work of professionals by connecting all involved parties: children, parents, practitioners, researchers, policymakers and all possible relevant organisations. VBJK provides coaching projects and develop research.


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  • Don Bosco International

    International organisation

    Don Bosco International is advocating for children and youth with special focus on young migrants and their social inclusion. Don Bosco aims at empowering young people for the transition from education to employment and at fighting against poverty and social exclusion.

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  • European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education

    International organisation

    The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) comprises 26 national Waldorf Associations, representing 700 schools in Europe. Their purpose is to strengthen and develop Steiner education in their member countries through active interest and a mutual sharing of experience.


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  • Julien Van Geertsom


    During the last 15 years Julien Van Geertsom was chair of the federal administration Social Integration and Fight Against Poverty. One of their priorities was the fight against child poverty and promotion of child well-being. They developed a national plan against child poverty. On the European level they developed an action plan for the fight against child poverty. As an individual expert he decided to join Eurochild to share his knowledge and experiences and support keeping the topic of child poverty on the political agenda.


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  • Kind en Gezin

    Public/statutory body

    Kind and Gezin is a Flemish governmental agency with responsibility for young children and families in Flanders (Northern part of Belgium). Its main task is to implement government policy for young children and their families, in particular in the fields of preventive care   child care services, family support   diversity and children’s rights. Their activities include prevention services for future parents and families with children under the age of three and home visits and consultations.

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  • Maud  Stiernet


    Maud Stiernet is a Vienna based, experienced Communications Specialist with a teacher’s background. Maud has a lot of acquaintances with the disability field & children’s rights, a sound knowledge of family – based care and a good understanding of the stakeholders. She became a UN guidelines specialist and studied their implementation. As a consultant she is training or advising on narrative strategies, design thinking and accessibility tools (especially for children and students).

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  • Office of Birth and Childhood - ONE

    Public/statutory body

    The Office of Birth and Childhood (Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance) is a public institution developing birth and childhood policies. The ONE is an independent organism under the Minister for Childhood of the Wallonia & Brussels Federation. Its two main missions are to support the child’s development within the family and social environment and to advise and support pregnant women parents and families through medical and social action  in order to ensure the global wellbeing of children.

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12 June 2024

Belgium's 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee – an overview

Three years after the adoption of the European Child Guarantee, EU Member States are releasing the first report on its implementation. The reports offer an overview of the context, target…
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24 January 2024

Belgium - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Belgium This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…
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16 January 2023

Belgium - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members on the European Semester, on EU funding, and…
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12 October 2022

Belgium's Child Guarantee National Action Plan – An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Belgium

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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Child Rights Coalition Flanders releases Position Paper on EU Child Guarantee

Eurochild member from Belgium Kinderrechtencoalitie Vlaanderen calls for an ambitious national action plan and encourage the involvement of children and NGOs in the process. The report analyses several challenges in…


13th European Forum on the rights of the child awarded by Visit Brussels

Eurochild supported the participation of children at the 2020 EU Commission forum on child rights. On 18 March 14 congress and conference organisers became Brussels ambassadors at the Brussels Events…


How do we address children and disability rights online?

Ahead of the European Day of Persons with Disabilities, Eurochild member, Maud Stiernet, explains how to include children: by involving them and checking their accessibility needs. Maud is a consultant…


Channeling children’s energy and creativity through play

Eurochild member KeKi attends the LEGO Group’s Build the Change workshop with children in Brussels. This blog was written by Isabella Goossenaerts, Project Manager at KeKi (Kenniscentrum Kinderrechten - the…


Five steps to move towards a decision in the best interests of the child

Eurochild member from Belgium, KeKi and the Flemish Government developed a roadmap for adults to better understand the needs and rights of children. Which school choice is best for a…


Bulgarian Government receives higher score for its childcare policies this year

Eurochild member NNC (National Network for Children) released its Report Card 2024, which highlighted both progress and ongoing challenges in childcare and family welfare in Bulgaria, emphasizing the need for…


From institutions to homes: Supporting families of children with disabilities

Ahead of the European Day of Persons with Disabilities Conference, Eurochild individual member Francesca Stuer shares her work to support families of children with disabilities to ensure they receive care…


From Belgium to Colombia: One youth's journey for climate justice

Oskar, a young person from Belgium, shared with Eurochild a blog on his experience as a climate change activist.   When I was 17, fate nudged me to take a…


First and Foremost, a Child

The Child Rights Coalition, Eurochild member from Flanders, Belgium release a position paper calling for better policies for unaccompanied migrant children. The paper by Kinderrechtencoalitie Vlaanderen highlights the systemic crisis…


8 April 2024

Speaking Up for Child Safety Online

VOICE Report Launch - 8 April 2024, 9h00-16h00 (CET) Hybrid: Online and at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels. Eurochild, ECPAT International, and Terre des Hommes Netherlands,…