

Italy - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Italy on the European Semester, on EU…

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Italy - Country Profile on the European Semester and COVID-19 crisis

The measures to combat poverty are recent in Italy: they were first implemented in 2017 and have only indirectly dealt with children by providing a financial benefit for poor families. Unfortunately, there is no…

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Eurochild Child Guarantee Taskforce Country Report - Italy

Recommendations for the Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Italy This report is part of 6 country reports which include recommendations for the design and implementation of the Child Guarantee…

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  • Cesvi

    International organisation

    Cesvi is an independent association working for global solidarity in developing countries and in Europe. The main activities of Cesvi are ensuring survival (e.g. reducing mortality rate of children), guaranteeing protection (e.g. protection and reception of children victims of exploitation or abuse)     promoting development (e.g. right to education and schooling) and supporting participation (CYP participation). In Europe, Cesvi currently focuses on the protection and integration of unaccompanied refugee children and aims to prevent identify and respond to cases of child maltreatment.

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  • CIFA

    National organisation - advocacy/campaign

    CIFA is engaged in improving the living conditions of needy or abandoned children and adolescents by encouraging them to develop their own identity and by ensuring a family and a harmonious growth. Moreover, CIFA promotes the culture of children’s rights as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child with the following activities: international cooperation in development, international adoption and children’s rights promotion.


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  • Department of Human Sciences for Education - University of Milano-Bicocca

    Academic and research institution

    The “Riccardo Massa” department of Human Sciences for Education promotes an interdisciplinary study of the educational process that values both reflection-heuristics and concrete lived experience. With its research, research centers and laboratories it aims at ensuring that children can experience their rights in all aspects of life by training educators and teachers raising public awareness and trying to disseminate a culture of respect and non-violence against children.


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  • Fondazione L'Albero della Vita ETS

    National organisation - service provider

    L’Albero della Vita is a humanitarian organisation that implements effective actions to protect children and safeguard as well as promotes their rights to grow up in a safe and suitable environment. It aims at ensuring children’s wellbeing by creating opportunities for a decent, full and satisfactory life; offering them a proper nutrition, personal and medical care, age-appropriate leisure, social and sports activities, as well as the chance of freely nurturing their most intimate aspirations.


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  • Istituto Degli Innocenti

    National organisation - Knowledge Institute

    The Istituto degli Innocenti focuses mostly on the promotion of children’s rights. It spreads documentation, carries out training on the conditions of children and on the implement of laws and polices on childhood at local national and international level. It has conducted agreements with different bodies and performs the function of National Documentation and Analysis Centre on Childhood and Adolescence for the Tuscany Region and the secretariat of the European Network of National Observatories on Childhood. Moreover the Institutes carries out activities for the Commission for Inter country adoption and also offers services (e.g. shelter for minor, shelter for pregnant women and mothers with children).


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  • SOS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus

    National organisation - service provider

    Telefono Azzurro is one of the most well-known children’s rights organisation in Italy working for and with children over 30 years now. It was founded in 1987 in Bologna with the purpose to listen to children’s establishing their work on Article 12 of the UNCRC. Today they offer helplines and hotlines (by phone, web, chat, apps) and promote prevention initiatives through education and awareness projects for students, educators, general public, and policymakers in Italy. Telefono Azzurro works closely with the the Department of Family Policies which carries out the function of the national hotline. They have an exclusive role in supporting children and families in child protection related issues including in the digital environment. 

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  • EFYS - Equipe Formation Youthstart Sardinia

    National organisation - service provider

    Equipe Formation Youthstart Sardinia (EFYS) was established in 1997 within the framework of the European Sirio-Youthstart Project. The main purposes are to:

    • contribute to the protection and promotion of civil and social rights, especially of minors and promote their active participation;
    • contribute to the promotion and protection of culture by offering opportunities for aggregation and intercultural comparison;
    • promote solidarity and social assistance activities aimed at bringing benefits to people in difficult situations;
    • raise public awareness of issues of children’s rights and adolescence.
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  • ICAM Network APS

    International organisation

    The ICAM (Including Children Affected by Migration) Network is dedicated to upholding all aspects of the UNCRC, which forms the founding principles of the organisation. They provide support and guidance for any individuals or organisations seeking to improve the inclusion in education and society, and the subsequent personal development and life chances of all children disadvantaged by their circumstances. Currently the focus of the network is the provision, and wide dissemination, of comprehensive programmes for improving the inclusion in education of all 15 million European children affected by migration, through their improved social and emotional well-being in school and at home, and consequently their access to learning and personal development.

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  • Rosalba Mirci


    Rosalba Mirci has extensive experience in the field of child protection and international adoptions. Since 2010 she has been working for the Association Solidarity Adoptions (ASA), an accredited body for international adoptions, authorized by the Italian Central Authority in the chair of the Council of Ministers. She is responsible for the Association’s international cooperation and social planning. She has recently embarked on an international collaboration to exchange best practices in foster care and transition to adulthood. With her work, she hopes to contribute to the empowerment of a community of educating adults who can consciously take care of their children.

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  • Associazione Lea Onlus

    National organisation - service provider

    Associazione Lea was founded in 2018 by a group of under 30 professionals and parents with the aim of providing programs and activities to families in the area and their children. The activities offered by the Associazione Lea are designed to promote education and collaboration among parents, educators, and teachers, supporting them in their educational mission. Additionally, the association offers psychomotor therapy, artistic, linguistic, and communication programs with the goal of ensuring the harmonious and positive development of young children (in accordance to art. 3,12,28 31). Associazione Lea gives particular attention to children with disabilities (art.23). In 2018 there were only a few therapists and volunteers. Then, everything happened quickly, and here we are: in 2022 alone, Associazione Lea spent more than 4,500 hours with our children coming from more than 300 families, thanks to a team of nearly 30 professionals.

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9 July 2024

Italy's 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee – an overview

Three years after the adoption of the European Child Guarantee, EU Member States are releasing the first report on its implementation. The reports offer an overview of the context, target…
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31 January 2023

Italy - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Italy on the European Semester, on EU…
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27 June 2022

Italy's Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European…
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26 January 2022

Eurochild Child Guarantee Taskforce Country Report - Italy

Recommendations for the Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Italy This report is part of 6 country reports which include recommendations for the design and implementation of the Child Guarantee…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Italy

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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How to equip migrant and refugee children to determine the course of their lives?

Eurochild and its member SOS Children’s Villages co-delivered a workshop at Lost in Migration conference, introducing promising practices published late last year. On 11-12 April, Missing Children Europe, the Maltese…


Investing in Children in Italy

Key messages from the 29 January 2020 high-level conference organised by the Alliance for Investing in Children Italia. On 29th January 2020, Eurochild was invited to take part in a…


In Memoriam: David Sassoli

Eurochild is saddened by the passing of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, a passionate European and children’s right champion.As Sassoli said during the 30 years celebration of the…


Migrants Youth Inclusion: From the EU Migration Forum to on the ground action

After representing the Eurochild network at the European Migration Forum, Daria Crimella from Fondazione L’Albero della Vita (Italy) shares her perspective on what was discussed at the Forum and what…


Telefono Azzurro renews collaboration with Italian Police for the protection of minors and the prevention of online abuse

Eurochild Italian member Telefono Azzurro aims at strenghtening actions and strategies to fight the creation and dissemination of Child Sexual Abuse Material. The protocol signed on 30 janaury 2023 falls…


Everyone deserves affection and support in growing into adulthood

Led by the Italian organisation CIDIS, who is also partner of Eurochild in the DAY Project, the FA.B! Together initiative hosted a debate on alternative hosting solutions for young unaccompanied…


DAY: Piloting Youth Civic Agendas in Naples

Joint child participation project in Italy creates working groups for high school students and local decision-makers to discuss together issues and needs in their municipalities. On 7 September the young…


DAY: High-school students release their Youth Civic Agendas

Young people from Naples, Italy share their ideas on how to redevelop their urban areas and improve the education system with local decision-makers After the first summer meeting with the…


Joint statement on human rights violations against LGBTIQ families in Italy

Early this year, Italy’s Minister of Interior of Meloni’s government announced that registrars should no longer register the children of same-sex couples. In Padua at least 33 mothers of 37…


DAY: We will change the city!

The meetings of the child representatives of the DAY project to change the face of the Municipalities of Naples continue. The aim of the DAY project in Italy is to…


Italian police uses force against children during protest in Pisa

A group of high-school students from Italy shared a statement with Eurochild condemning the police attack against middle and high-school students protesting against the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Read the…


DAY: Students meet representatives of Naples local government

Last week the delegates of the DAY - Democratic Activation of Youth- project, together with their fellow school representatives, visited the Council Hall of the Municipality of Naples. The visit,…


DAY project launches model for meaningful child participation

New resource available in 9 languages to replicate child participation practices developed in Naples by young people together with civil society. For the past 18 months, Eurochild has implemented the…


DAY Project in Naples sets a powerful precedent for expanding child participation across Europe

How 2,000 children and young people from nine schools in three districts of Naples with poor social and economic indicators got together to ask for changes in their municipalities The Democratic…


18 September 2024

DAY - Final Conference

18 SEPTEMBER - Sala dei Baroni, Castel Nuovo, Naples The event is in Italian and will feature a presentation of the DAY model of participation to those working in public…

28 May 2024

DAY: Incontro Informativo e Formativo per le Istituzioni

28 May, Naples City Hall, IT. The DAY project aims at building a mechanism for child participation in decision-making processes at a local level. This is the last training/meeting for…

8 September 2022

Child maltreatment in Europe: model of interventions for combating and preventing the phenomenon

Online roundtable On 8 September 2022 (10:00 -11:30 CEST) Eurochild member Cesvi Foundation organises an EU round table to share experiences of child maltreatment prevention and response in Europe. The…