Child Rights Networks Launch Talks with Re-Established European Parliament Intergroup
On 22 January the European Parliament Intergroup on Children's Rights met for the first time with the leaders of networks in the Child Rights Action Group in Brussels. The meeting was hosted by Members of European Parliament who are co- and vice-chairs of the Intergroup, including Caterina Chinnici (S&D), David Lega (EPP), Dragos Pislaru (Renew Europe), Saskia Bricmont (Greens), Alexandra Geese (Greens), Michaela Sojdrova (EPP).
In her intervention, H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Eurochild, stressed the value of a re-established Intergroup, especially with the new European Commission having committed to promote children’s rights. “The comprehensive strategy on the rights of the child is an initiative we are looking forward to, welcoming that the issue is in the portfolio of a Commission Vice President. Child poverty remains one of Eurochild’s top priorities, and to trigger national reforms to end child poverty in Europe, the EU institutions need to ensure that the Child Guarantee is realised, as a priority.”
“Investing early in life is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty. Early childhood development is an increasingly important priority for Eurochild. Eurochild will be launching a campaign focusing on children and families from vulnerable backgrounds with the aim to reduce inequalities in society”, she added.
Finally, Her Excellency raised the importance of listening to children’s aspirations and to take them into account in the EU’s work. “Children and young people have a key stake in Europe’s future, and their involvement in decision-making is our duty. For this reason, we look forward for the European Parliament to help put into practice what is stated in the 2019 Bucharest EU Children’s Declaration.”
Background resources:
• Meet the European Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights here
• Read the 2019 Bucharest EU Children’s Declaration here
• Learn more about the European Child Guarantee