
Eurochild endorses global policy agenda on Ending Child Poverty

As a member of the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, Eurochild, together with our members across Europe, is contributing to achieving a new global agenda to end child poverty.

With an increase to 24.4% in 2021, based on the latest data from Eurostat, child poverty in Europe is rising. More worryingly, this figure is expected to be even higher this year since it does not capture the current energy and cost-of-living crises.

Through the work of the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, Eurochild and over 20 other organisations promote the need for countries and development actors to focus explicitly on finding solutions to end child poverty.

Ending Child Poverty: A Policy Agenda

To mark the 2022 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the Coalition has published its new policy agenda: Ending child poverty.

This document highlights the urgency of tackling child poverty and the growing vulnerability of many children worldwide due to the pressing challenges of our time, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, conflict, and economic instability.

This report encourages finding integrated solutions to child poverty and not working in silos. Cross-sectoral action is key to addressing the complex and interconnected drivers of poverty.

The agenda also outlines four key building blocks to address child poverty at national level and offers evidence and experience to support national discussion on the best policy options for children.

Together with our members, Eurochild is contributing to the achievement of each of these key building blocks across Europe.

  1. Build national support by ensuring that reducing child poverty is an explicit national priority. The European Child Guarantee is one of the main instruments to fight child poverty in Europe. In January 2022, Eurochild and leading national child rights organisations published six country reports indicating the most vulnerable groups of children, and advocating for them to be prioritised in the National Action Plans (NAPs). As we release short synopsis of the published NAPs, we continue to push for the implementation of the NAPs, and for the remaining Member States to publish their Action Plans.
  2. Expand child-sensitive social protection. As part of Eurochild’s longstanding leadership calling for an end to institutional care and reform child welfare and protection systems across Europe, we have supported our members in challenging national environments, such as Croatia, Greece, Poland and Türkiye.
  3. Improve access to quality public services, especially for the poorest children. Eurochild continuously illustrates the extent and nature of children’s lived experiences of poverty across the EU. Together with 32 members in 21 countries, we will launch in December our annual analysis of the European Semester to share with EU and national decision-makers recommendations and good practices to reduce child poverty and social exclusion.
  4. Promote decent work and inclusive growth agenda to reach families and children in poverty. Together with our campaign partners, Eurochild’s First Year First Priority campaign is advocating for the EU to commit to the adoption of integrated and multi-sectoral approaches to policymaking for children from birth to 6 years, with special attention to  child’s first 1,000 days.

Children growing up in poverty and social exclusion are less likely to do well in school, enjoy good health and reach their full potential throughout their lifespan. They are also at a higher risk of becoming unemployed, experiencing poverty, and being socially excluded in adulthood. Therefore, investing in these four priority areas is key to breaking this cycle of poverty.

Together with our members, Eurochild stands ready to hold decision-makers accountable to implement the Ending Child Poverty agenda at EU level through the European Child Guarantee.

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