
Child Guarantee National Action Plans at a glance

2021 was a pivotal year in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child Guarantee.

As EU Member States shared their Child Guarantee National Action Plans, Eurochild released quick overviews of these plans, highlighting the key services and actions governments are planning to focus on.

The purpose of these overviews is to highlight the transformative potential of the European Child Guarantee and signpost national stakeholders to key aspects of the plan, including the identification of children in need, key actions planned, funding, stakeholder engagement and monitoring and evaluation.

All 27 countries have released their plans at this time. Eurochild and its members will continue to work on ensuring the Child Guarantee National Action Plans helps end child poverty.

Download the overview of the Child Guarantee National Action Plan of your country:

Austria coming soon!

These overviews present highlights extracted from the National Action Plans (NAP). They are not exhaustive nor do they evaluate the NAP and use the same terms as those available in each NAP. These documents are intended to summarise key elements and to signpost stakeholders to other relevant analyses.

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