DataCare Country Overview - Lithuania
In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member States and the UK currently collect data on the situation of children in alternative care.
The Lithuanian Social Family Support Information System (Socialinės paramos šeimai informacinė Sistema, or SPIS) is not only a statistical database, it is also a working tool for certain institutions. The purpose of SPIS is to register and collect information on social support provided in municipalities in the same way (social benefits and compensations, social support for students, social services, activities in the field of protection of children’s rights, etc.) and to enable the analysis of this information by municipalities, types of support and beneficiaries, as well as preventing the receipt of support in several municipalities simultaneously. SPIS as a centralised counting of children in care and persons willing to care for a child was introduced only in 2018, therefore the system is still in the process of continuous improvement in this area.

Discover how data on children in alternative care are mapped out in other countries.