
Luxembourg's Child Guarantee National Action Plan – An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child Guarantee.

As EU Member States submit their Child Guarantee National Action Plans, Eurochild will share highlights from each plan that members, children's rights advocates and influencers can use in their own work to ensure children's rights remain high on the political agendas across Europe.

The Luxembourgish Child Guarantee National Action Plan submitted on 23 August focuses on:

• Education: subsidies for the cost of childcare education 0-12, school materials and prevent early drop-out; free school meals; help with homework program (from 2022); school mediators.
• Health: reinforce the use of national psychosocial support services; new law on child protection (n°7994) with new prevemptive measures; more healthy and sustainable canteens.
• Housing: a call for projects has been put forward for the “structures d'hébergement en milieu ouvert (SLEMO)”
• Parental forums for guidance (from September 2023)
• Ukraine: make the public offer of international schools available for Ukrainian students; telephone helpline for psychological and family support.
• Migration: exchange platform available to connect newly arrived pupils with educational staff; create factsheets on a number of countries providing information the language, culture and functioning of their school system.

Check out the rest of the Child Guarantee National Action Plan Overviews!

This overview presents highlights extracted from the National Action Plan (NAP) from Luxembourg published on 23/08/2022. It is not exhaustive nor does it evaluate the NAP and uses the same terms as those in the NAP. It is intended to summarise key elements & to signpost stakeholders to other relevant analyses.

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