
Speaking up for change: Children’s and caregivers’ voices for safer online experiences

Eurochild, ECPAT International and Terre des Hommes, published 'Speaking up for change: Children’s and caregivers’ voices for safer online experiences', a new multi-country research initiative, portraying the views on online safety of 480 children and over 6,000 caregivers in 15 countries.

Ensuring the safety of children online is imperative in today's digital era, requiring a deep understanding of their perspectives and needs as outlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The VOICE project, conducted by ECPAT International, Eurochild, and Terre des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down to Zero Alliance, engaged children and caregivers in 15 countries to inform policy discussions on digital safety. While digital spaces offer learning and entertainment opportunities, they also present risks like cyberbullying and exposure to harmful content, constituting a violation of children's rights. 

The VOICE report Speaking Up For Change: Children's and caregivers' voices for safer online experiences emphasises the necessity of effective safety measures and children's participation in shaping online safety policies. 

Read it here

The VOICE Report Executive Summary is now available in the following languages:

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