United Kingdom


Northern Ireland - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Northern Ireland This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?" , our 2023 report on children in…

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England - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from England This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…

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Wales - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Wales This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?" , our 2023 report on children in need…

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Northern Ireland - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Northern Ireland on child poverty and social…

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England - Country Profile on the European Semester and COVID-19 crisis

During the pandemic, the government introduced a series of new regulations relaxing duties for children in a number of vital areas. Children should be informed of their right to be heard and…

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  • Hope and Homes for Children

    International organisation

    The mission of Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) is to be the catalyst for the global elimination of institutional care for children. Established in 1994 HHC has accumulated almost 25 years of international experience of reforming child protection systems through the process of de-institutionalization (DI). Ultimately HHC aims to achieve systemic and lasting change by supporting the design of robust child protection systems effective in preventing children’s separation from their families and providing quality alternative care.;www.hopeandhomes.org;United Kingdom

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  • Jeffrey Coleman

    Honorary Member

    Jeffrey Coleman is an experienced social worker, trainer and lecturer in adoption and fostering practice, with varied management consultancy and legal expertise across many children’s social care topics.

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  • Home-Start Worldwide

    International organisation

    Home-Start Worldwide plays a pivotal role in the development of the Home-Start service around the world. Through the work of the Trustees and through member to member support. Home-Start Worldwide aims to ensure quality standards and provide effective support to the network. Around the world. Home-Start professionals and volunteers train and prepare volunteers usually parents themselves to work alongside other parents. A Home-Start volunteer will visit the family usually once a week for a couple of hours and share the ups and downs of raising a family.

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  • International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO)

    International organisation

    The International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO) is an international network dedicated solely to the promotion and support of family based foster care across the world. It is a volunteer and member based organisation providing a multi-cultural platform for young people foster carers, social workers, academics, researchers, volunteers, media policy makers and others to network and shares information on a global basis.

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  • Catriona Williams OBE

    Honorary Member

    Catriona Williams OBE was the founding President of Eurochild from 2004 to 2010. Catriona has been a champion of children’s rights and social justice her entire career, being instrumental in securing Wales’ reputation internationally as a leader in incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into policy and domestic law. She has recently started her retirement from Children in Wales, having led the organisation since its creation in 1992.

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  • Children in Northern Ireland

    National Partner Network

    Children in Northern Ireland (CiNI) is the regional umbrella organisation for the children’s voluntary sector in Northern Ireland. It represents the interests of children and the voluntary sector that works on their behalf. CiNI also provides training policy and information services to member organisations, relating to their work with children and young people.


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  • Children in Scotland

    National Partner Network

    Children in Scotland is an influencing and membership organisation, comprised of representatives from the voluntary public and private sectors. Its vision is that Scotland becomes a world leader in securing the wellbeing of every child and improving the quality of every childhood. Children in Scotland focuses on communication and engagement, influencing of policy & legislation and learning and development delivered through an extensive events and training programme.


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  • Children in Wales

    National Partner Network

    Children in Wales is the umbrella organisation for children’s organisations in Wales. It brings organisations and individuals together to make the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child a reality in Wales. It fights for sustainable quality services and fair shares for all children and young people, it ensures special attention and treatment for children in need and those who are marginalised and gives children and young people a voice.


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  • Children's Rights Alliance for England

    National Partner Network

    CRAE protects the human rights of children by lobbying, bringing or supporting test cases and by using regional and international human rights mechanisms. They provide free legal information and advice  raise awareness of children’s human rights and undertake research about children’s access to their rights. They mobilise others, including children and young people to take action to promote and protect children’s human rights and each year. CRAE publishes each year a review of the State of children’s rights in England.


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  • University of Central Lancashire - The Centre for Children and Young People's Participation - School of Social Work

    Academic and research institution

    The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation is concerned with promoting and researching participation, inclusion and empowerment. The Centre is a forum for shared thinking that promotes seminars, workshops, conferences and publications and implements a planned programme of research. Children and young people are involved in every part of the process: managing the Centre, planning the research programme and carrying out research. The Centre holds regular meetings where adults and young people work together to plan the work of the Centre and design research projects.


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  • Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

    National organisation - advocacy/campaign

    Together is an alliance of Scottish children’s charities that works to improve the awareness  understanding and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Their activities include the promotion of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the support to children’s organisations to integrate the UNCRC into their work and the monitoring and the report on the progress made at a Scottish and UK level.


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  • The Early Years Organisation

    National organisation - service provider

    The Early Years Organisation is a non-profit making organisation that has been active since 1965 to promote high quality childcare for children aged 0 – 12 and their families. Currently Early Years provides information and training for parents, childcare providers, employers and local authorities.


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  • Gareth Williams-James


    Gareth Williams James is a UK based Independent Education Specialist working in the field of Children in Care and Care Leavers. Gareth has great experience in promoting good educational achievements for children in alternative care and care leavers as he served as a Virtual School Head for ten years. He continues to serve in this role as an interim manager for local authorities between substantive appointments as well as providing consultation and services to charities and social enterprises. Gareth is part of the of the European Care Leavers network, a member of the Institute for Recovery from Childhood Trauma and the DfE Advisory Board for Boarding School Partnerships in the UK. He has previously been an Associate to the National Children’s Bureau and a Sector Specialist for the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes.

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  • Lifestart Foundation

    National organisation - service provider

    The Lifestart Foundation’s mission is to produce better child development outcomes by making available to parents evidence-based knowledge and information on how children develop and learn implemented through the delivery of the Lifestart Growing Child Programme. The Lifestart Growing Child programme is a child-centred, month-by-month guide for parents; it is uniquely designed to support parents create the best possible environment for their child to develop and is delivered to parents on a one-to-one basis in their own home.


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  • Marion Macleod


    Marion Macleod is a committed advocate for children’s rights and for achieving better and more equitable outcomes for all children. She has over thirty years’ experience of working with children in social care, health and education as a practitioner, planner and policy developer. She has a degree in modern history and postgraduate qualifications in social work and social services management. She has specialised knowledge of a number of policy areas particularly early years, family support and young people in out of home care.

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  • Middlesex University

    Academic and research institution

    The Department of Mental Health, Social Work and Integrative Medicine is one of the leading providers of mental health, social work and complementary health education in the UK. In March 2005 it was awarded status as a Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL) by the Higher Education Funding Council. The Department has a large and diversely skilled staff group who have extensive knowledge and understanding of mental health, social work education and integrative medicine in the areas of education, practice and research.


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  • Voices From Care Cymru

    Child- and Youth-led organisation

    Voices From Care Cymru brings young people together throughout Wales, who are, or have been looked after. We aim to provide opportunities, to improve the conditions of being in care, to promote the view of young people and to protect the interests of young people in care.

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  • 5Rights Foundation

    National organisation - advocacy/campaign

    5Rights Foundation exists to make systemic changes to the digital world to ensure it caters for children and young people, by design and default, and respects their rights under the UNCRC. They work with and for children. They advocate for enforceable regulation and international agreements that allow children and young people to thrive online. They develop technical standards and protocols with engineers and colleagues around the world to help businesses reshape and redesign their digital services with children and young people in mind. They were the consultants to the UNCRC in the consultation of children and the drafting of the General comment NO. 25 on children’s rights in relations to the digital environment, formally adopted in March 2021. Since then 5Rights has worked to promote the GC 25 and its implementation through national and EU policy and law.

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  • Vânia S. Pinto


    Vânia S. Pinto is a Lecturer in Health and Social Care at Leeds Trinity University. Moreover, she is working towards the completion of her doctorate thesis at the Rees Centre, Department of Education, University of Oxford. She is also a Clinical Psychologist, and a Board member of various networks, such as Oxford’s Children’s Rights Network and AdjuAdjudar. She has several publications in the field of child protection systems, decision-making processes and the role of foster carers. Vânia is a National Correspondent in Eurochild’s DataCare project for Portugal.

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  • Nadine Finch


    Nadine Finch is an Honorary Senior Policy Fellow at the School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol. She was a barrister specialising in migration and family and public law, a fee paid Immigration and Asylum Judge and a salaried Upper Tribunal Judge in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber. Since 2004, she has been conducting independent research in the field of child migration and child trafficking.

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24 January 2024

Northern Ireland - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Northern Ireland This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?" , our 2023 report on children in…
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24 January 2024

Wales - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Wales This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?" , our 2023 report on children in need…
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24 January 2024

England - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from England This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…
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31 January 2023

Northern Ireland - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Northern Ireland on child poverty and social…
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24 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - United Kingdom

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - England

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Wales

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Northern Ireland

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Scotland

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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All resources loaded!loading



How could Scotland incorporate the UNCRC into law?

Scotland is in a unique position to introduce legislation that provides legal protections of children's rights in Scots Law The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an…


Child poverty is becoming the ‘new normal’ in Wales

173 children in Wales were in poverty in 2018, or 29.3% of Wales’ child population The powers to change child poverty levels in Wales sit with both Welsh Government and…


The Scottish Youth Parliament: Brexit manifesto recommendations

Young people's voices should have a representative place in the Brexit negotiations now and throughout the process For many years – even before the 2016 EU referendum – Brexit has…


Scotland to ensure young voices heard in Brexit negotiations

Children and young people will again have the opportunity to advise the Scottish Government on the issues they would like to be considered as part of Brexit negotiations with Westminster…


Welsh Parliament Votes to Ban Corporal Punishment of Children

The Welsh Parliament has voted to outlaw the corporal punishment of children in Wales.  On 28 January 2020 a landmark vote was held in the Welsh National Assembly, in which Assembly Members…


Ensuring Children's Rights in the UK's Future Relationship with the EU

Eurochild and our UK members reflect on how we can ensure children's rights remain a priority in the UK's Brexit transition. After almost 4 years of negotiations, the UK left…


Launch of the State of Children's Right Report Scotland

Achievements were celebrated and solid plans for progress made at the double launch of Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) State of Children’s Rights in Scotland report and the Observatory for Children’s Human…


Poverty, anxiety, digital and educational divide

A new report provides unique, in-depth assessment of the conditions of Europe’s children in 2020 Press Release The COVID-19 pandemic has had multiple dramatic consequences on the conditions and rights…


Can we help children in alternative care achieve academic success?

Eurochild and the Martin James Foundation organised a webinar to share good practices on education for children in alternative care Vulnerable children often struggle to access good quality education services…


Children’s rights are now officially incorporated in Scottish law

The Scottish Parliament unanimously passed a bill that will incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law. On 16 March, the Scottish Parliament unanimously…


Impact of Brexit on children in the UK

The Scottish Children and Young People’s Panel on Europe supported by Eurochild member Together Scotland has published its second report on the impact of Brexit on children in the UK.…


Scottish projects show how to successfully support and empower care experienced young people

Eurochild member Children in Scotland publishes its "Evaluation of the Home and Belonging Initiative" In 2019, Children in Scotland and Staf (Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum) were appointed by the…


The problems adults don’t see

Eurochild Scottish member Together publishes the 2023 State of Children’s Rights in Scotland Report. Every year, Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) publishes a report which aims to monitor the…


The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in Northern Ireland

How political instability has perpetuated the unnecessary criminalisation of our children and young people, and why Northern Ireland urgently needs to grasp the opportunity for legislative reform. BLOG by Dr…


Schools which meet the needs of the most vulnerable do better for all children

Blog by Gareth Williams-James, Individual Member of Eurochild and experienced service leader promoting educational success for children in alternative care, on how the education of children in alternative care is…
