
Getting to Know the National Eurochild Forums: Croatia

Get to know the National Eurochild Forums in their own words. In this blog, the Society “Our Children” Opatija in partnership with the Union of Societies “Our children“ of Croatia, which hosts one of the four NEFs, reveals its unique strategies in elevating children's voices and rights.

As part of Eurochild’s Child Participation Strategy, Eurochild supports the establishment of National Eurochild Forums (NEFs). The work of NEF Croatia is coordinated by Eurochild member Society “Our Children” Opatija in partnership with the Union of Societies “Our children“ of Croatia. The role of the NEF is to serve as a platform where children can share opinions, learn about European topics and discuss the challenges that children face in their countries and influence decision-makers at EU and national level.

During the last few years NEF Croatia has been a part of several important research projects, implementing several projects in cooperation with both children and adults, and has been mentioned as an example of good practice in the National Plan for the Rights of Children of the Republic of Croatia by the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, which is also funding a number of NEF Croatia's activities for the 2022-2024 period.

Since its launch, NEF Croatia has realized several projects so far, namely:

The Activate the change in your community project aimed to provide education on children’s rights, democratic and digital citizenship for children members of the NEF, as well as councilors and mentors of children’s councils through non-formal education. The project included online educational interactive workshops “I shoot from knowledge”; an online campaign Children’s rights in the first place; and an online meeting of the NEF members with decision makers at local, national, and EU level. The project was funded by the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms and supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

To learn more about their actions, projects and campaigns you can visitthe website of Society "Our Children“ Opatija or explore their dedicated Children's Rights website.

For further information on the activities of the Croatian National Eurochild Forum feel free to contact Antonia Katić, Coordinator of the Volunteers and Educator for Society “Our Children” Opatija.

For further information on the National Eurochild Forums feel free to contact Lenia Kriki, Child Participation and Policy Officer at Eurochild.

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