

Cyprus - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Cyprus on the European Semester, on EU…

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Cyprus - Country Profile on the European Semester and COVID-19 crisis

Cyprus does not have a proper national strategy to tackle child poverty. The impact of the economic crisis limited the capacity of the state to properly invest in social policies.…

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  • Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children

    National Partner Network

    The Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children (PCCPWC) is the National Body coordinating the District Committees for the Protection and Welfare of Children. Officially founded in 1994; apart from its coordinating role, the PCCPWC safeguards and promotes children’s rights and addresses the problems faced by children in exercising these rights. PCCPWC is committed to working towards the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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  • Council FONI

    National organisation - service provider

    Council FONI was created as a statutory body by law to implement the National Strategy for the Combatting of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and Child Pornography, and its members are appointed by the Council of Ministers of Cyprus. Its members comprise the Council President, representatives from the Ministries of Health, Social Welfare, Education, Justice, the Attorney General’s Office, the Committee for combatting violence in the family and three NGOs. Its responsibilities include drafting the National Strategy and action plan to combat sexual abuse and exploitation of children and child pornography, suggesting possible legislation improvements or amendments, creating social awareness, evaluating and co-ordinating all actions carried out in Cyprus by any body or organisation regarding sexual abuse of children, as well as developing cooperation with other relevant organizations in the areas of the Council’s competences.

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27 May 2024

Cyprus' 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee – an overview

Three years after the adoption of the European Child Guarantee, EU Member States are releasing the first report on its implementation. The reports offer an overview of the context, target…
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28 February 2024

Cyprus' Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child…
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24 January 2024

Cyprus - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Cyprus This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…
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27 January 2023

Cyprus - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Cyprus on the European Semester, on EU…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Cyprus

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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Europe urgently needs an EU mechanism to protect human rights

On 5 January a bomb attack targeted KISA, an anti-racism organisation in Cyprus. Eurochild condemns the attack and gives its full support to KISA and ENAR, the European Network Against…