

Slovenia - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Slovenia on the European Semester, on EU…

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Slovenia - Country Profile on the European Semester and COVID-19 crisis

The coronavirus lockdown highlighted and reinforced the education gap. Some rural areas in Slovenia do not have access to stable connections. Many students did not have the equipment at home…

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  • Slovenian Children's Rights Network

    National Partner Network

    The Slovenian Children’s Rights Network (formerly known as ZIPOM) is a network that gathers non-governmental organisations working in the field of the protection of children’s rights. It is intended to support and strengthen NGOs through information and involvement in various joint actions to prevent and correct violations of children’s rights. As a coalition it brings together their knowledge and experience in joint activities, thus contributing to shaping the role of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia.


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  • Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs - Slovenia

    National organisation - Knowledge Institute

    PIC provides professional legal support to individuals, vulnerable groups and non-governmental organisations in exercising and protecting their rights and strengthening their position in the society. PIC’s activities include legal assistance, advocacy, informing, training, encouraging civil dialogue, national and international projects, involvement in policy-making and decision-making processes. PIC is participating in decision-making processes, working bodies committees, networks and forums, in order to advance the position of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia and increase their influence on decision-making. It encourages socially responsible and active citizenship.


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  • Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth

    National organisation - advocacy/campaign

    The Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (SAFY) is a non-governmental, voluntary, philanthropic and non-for-profit organisation which aims at promoting and implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and raising the quality of children, youth and family life. The Association reduces social exclusion of children, youth and families and give opportunities to experience active spare time. It also develops and supports cooperation with non-governmental associations in Slovenia and abroad.

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16 June 2023

Slovenia's Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child…
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31 January 2023

Slovenia - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Slovenia on the European Semester, on EU…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Slovenia

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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Ranya's appeal for children in Slovenia

Listen to our Eurochild Children's Council member Ranya send a message on COVID-19 in Slovenia Ranya, a member of Eurochild Children's Council has sent a video message to children and…


Slovenia's Children's Parliament raises children's concerns around education and their future

On April 21, Eurochild member Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth organised the 31st National Children's Parliament. The key topic of the online session was “My professional future”. Three young…


Eurochild Children's Council – Jakob’s experience in Brussels

In this blog, Eurochild Children's Council Member, Jakob, explains his experience at the Eurochild Children's Council Meeting in Brussels The Brussels meeting In Brussels we had a lot of workshops.…


Slovenian National Children’s Parliament meets again in person after two years

Blog by Petra Zega from Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth At the beginning of April, Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (SAFY) organised the 32nd National Children's Parliament. It…


Voices of Child Participation

Meet Jakob, a Slovenian member of the Eurochild Children's Council and part of the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, a Eurochild member, with which he is active at national…


Children in Slovenia want mental health on the same level as physical health

A blog by Petra Zega, Programe Assistant at the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, on the importance children gave to mental health in the last National Children's Parliament meeting.…